Unhappy Client of a MSP

Why Businesses Leave Their MSP

Managed Service Provider … did those words stir any emotion in you—perhaps a sigh, groan, or even a flash of frustration? This reaction is not uncommon, and it speaks volumes about the strained relationships many businesses have with their MSPs. Did you know that a recent report from CloudBolt Software revealed that 80% of MSP customers are so frustrated with their providers that they’re looking to replace them within a year? Just like in personal relationships, if the partnership isn’t built on trust, mutual respect, and clear communication, it’s bound to falter. Let’s explore why businesses leave their MSP and how a strong, mutually beneficial relationship can make all the difference in the perfect partnership.

The Dating Game in Choosing the Right MSP

Choosing an MSP is like entering the dating scene. With over 40,000 MSPs in the market, finding the perfect match can feel like a roll of the dice. However, unlike a casual date, the stakes here are higher. Your business’s efficiency, security, and overall success hinge on this relationship. Just as you wouldn’t settle down with someone without first gauging compatibility, the same should apply to your MSP.

Start by asking your business peers about their experiences. Are they satisfied with their MSP? Is the provider responsive, competent, and proactive? Just as friends might share their dating horror stories, they can also provide valuable insights into which MSPs to avoid and which ones are worth considering.

The Pricing Models

Just as in personal relationships, where financial matters can be a source of tension, the pricing model of your MSP can also be a sticking point. Typically, MSPs offer two primary pricing models: flat fee (per device or user) or time and materials. The flat fee model is attractive for budgeting purposes, but it’s essential to understand what’s included in that fixed amount. Hidden fees, such as charges for after-hours support or excessive requests, can lead to unexpected financial strain—much like discovering hidden debts in a relationship.

On the other hand, the time and materials model might seem more transparent, but it doesn’t necessarily encourage efficiency. This setup can sometimes feel like being in a relationship where one partner puts in minimal effort, knowing they’ll get away with it. To avoid this, ensure you’re getting value for what you’re paying.

Avoid the “Locked-In” Syndrome

In any healthy relationship, both parties should have the freedom to walk away if things aren’t working out. Unfortunately, some MSPs will try to lock you into long-term contracts, much like a controlling partner who doesn’t want you to leave. While a short-term commitment (a year or less) can provide stability, anything longer should be approached with caution.

Moreover, beware of MSPs that demand full control over your technology. Outsourcing management is one thing, but handing over complete administrative access is akin to giving someone the keys to your house without a backup plan. If the relationship sours, you could find yourself held “hostage,” unable to make changes or switch providers without significant disruption.

Other Red Flags

Keep an eye out for these additional warning signs in your MSP relationship:

  • Is my MSP actively monitoring and managing my IT systems?
  • Are the cybersecurity measures up to date and capable of handling the latest threats?
  • Does my MSP respond promptly when issues arise?
  • Am I covered during off-hours and weekends?
  • Is the backup solution regularly tested for reliability?
  • Is there a clear plan for future IT strategy and growth?
  • Or have you just simply outgrown your MSP?

What Exactly to Look For in an MSP Partnership

When you first meet with a prospective MSP, it’s similar to going on a first date. They’ll likely be on their best behavior, eager to impress. But beneath the surface, you need to look for signs of long-term compatibility. Are they asking the right questions about your business? Are they transparent about pricing, contract terms, and the involvement of third parties?

Communication is key.

Your MSP should be able to speak your language—no confusing tech jargon or evasiveness. They should also be open to answering all your questions, providing references, and demonstrating their commitment to your business’s security and success.

Time to Have “The Talk”

If you’re reading this and feeling a sense of unease—if any of the issues mentioned resonate with your current situation—it might be time to have a serious conversation with your existing MSP. Just as you would in a relationship, it’s essential to address concerns early on before they escalate. And if your current provider isn’t meeting your needs, don’t hesitate to start interviewing new ones. The right MSP will value your business, work to understand your unique challenges and partner with you to achieve your business goals.

Remember, your business deserves a relationship that is built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared vision for success. If you’re not getting that from your current IT provider, it’s time to make a change. After all, you wouldn’t settle for less in your personal life—why should your business be any different?

To discover what makes GB Tech tick and what we have to offer, why not reach out and start a conversation? Who knows—GB Tech could be the perfect match you’ve been looking for.