Cyberbreach Checklist

5 Things You Have to Do Immediately If Your Business Is Breached?

In the wake of a cybersecurity incident, knowing the right steps to take is crucial for any business. This guide outlines the five immediate actions you must take to mitigate damage. Get expert insights into protecting your business and maintaining trust in the digital age.
Security Breach Concept

Is your MSP or IT Team able to Handle a Security Breach

In a landscape where cybersecurity threats loom more significant than ever, relying on a Managed Service Provider (MSP) for your IT needs is standard practice. But is your MSP equipped with more than just tools when disaster strikes? They need expert knowledge to navigate through the storm of notifications and identify real threats. This blog sheds light on what your MSP will need to defend your company against a breach.
Paying too much money

The 4 Reasons Why You Are Paying Too Much for IT Services

Are you paying too much for IT services? Uncover the four main reasons behind inflated IT costs, from high hardware expenses to the pitfalls of unused software licenses. Explore how outsourcing can streamline your IT budget and boost operational efficiency.
Ransomware Attack on Data

The 3 Reasons Why Your Backups Won't Help in a Breach with Ransomware

This blog dives into the critical issue of ransomware attacks and the surprising ineffectiveness of backups. It highlights a startling statistic from Veeam and further explores the persistent threat that remains even after data restoration.
Business Owner who outsource their IT

The 5 Reasons You Should Outsource Your I.T.

Discover the top five reasons why outsourcing your IT services can propel your business forward. From significant cost savings and a sharper focus on core business activities to unparalleled flexibility, access to expert knowledge, and cutting-edge technology, learn how strategic IT outsourcing can be a game-changer for your company.
Why post note on table

The Six Reasons Why Business Owners Don't Care About Cybersecurity

We explore the complex reasons behind business owners' indifference towards cybersecurity. From misconceptions about data value to the daunting cost of security measures, we unravel why cybersecurity often takes a backseat. Read on to understand how outsourcing your cybersecurity addresses these concerns and provides a robust, worry-free solution for your business's security.
Meeting with vCIO

Four Key Reasons Your Business Should Consider Hiring a Virtual CIO

A Virtual CIO (vCIO) stands as a cornerstone for businesses seeking expert IT leadership without the overhead of a full-time executive. Explore the multifaceted role of a vCIO, who brings strategic insight into technology, infrastructure, and management, important for enhancing productivity and driving innovation in any business environment.
Employee Cybersecurity Awareness Training

3 Reasons Your Cybersecurity Awareness Training Is Failing

The role of your workforce in cybersecurity has never been more critical. GB Tech's training programs go beyond the traditional methods, turning your employees into proactive defenders in your cybersecurity strategy. With a focus on engagement, education, and empowerment, we ensure that your staff are not just aware but are integral, well-equipped participants in protecting your company's digital assets.
Saving money

Are You Fully Leveraging the IT Stack That You Have Invested In?

Is your business fully utilizing its IT stack? Many find hidden costs and inefficiencies in your IT infrastructure. Learn to streamline and save money with an IT stack evaluation.
Hacker breach system

Top 5 Most Breached Industries

Embark on a journey into landscape where certain industries stand at the crossroads of heightened cyber risk. The top five sectors - Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Schools, and Financial Services - that attract the most attention from cybercriminals. Dive deep with us as we analyze why these industries are prime targets and, importantly, how they can build stronger defenses against these threats.